Doggy standby

Managed to go to Glasgow & back & not take a single photo!
Hubster was taking his sleep machine for its annual check up. Both he & machine function normally. Stopped at Clydebank en route, it wasn't too busy, might do a bit of Chrissy shopping there this weekend!
Was looking for winter tyers for youngest daughter's car but what a job finding them, Halfords said they could order some so that's something.
Finally went to Epicure's for dinner and very tasty it was too though the sweet took almost half an hour to arrive but was so tasty I forgave them!
Caught a glimpse of eldest daughter who was actually cooking! mind you there was enough there to feed an army but the mere fact she actually had a wooden spoon in her hand made me think twice about making any lighthearted (suicidal)observations!
Two drive back home so its a doggy standby blip. Sorry folks
We take this motley collection of jiving christmas toys out every year to annoy the dogs. Sam hates the jiving dog and now its only got one ear! The dancing penguin is high on his hate list too

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