Hello my friend

The sky was clear, so I dashed out to do a quick set up with the telescope. No alignment, just rough set up and dash TWO photos of the moon out before it completely clouded over again.

So that was that. A brief airing, not long enough for the scope to cool or to do a proper 3 star alignment. But THE MOON through the scope is a worthy prize for the effort.

Hopefully more astrophotography will follow in the coming weeks.

After falling asleep immediately after blipping last night i.e. by 8pm, I slept until 7 this morning, with only two wake ups due to pain, so that was a pretty good run.

Yesterday's scan told me nothing that I didn't already know. My disease and the scarring it causes does not show up on scans. My wait for answers now heads into 2014 as I see my consultant in March to start the whole process again.

However, today has been a really good day. Busy, but extremely productive. Positive news about students has made me smile. Problems solved, tasks from my list ticked off. Granted it meant staying in work till 6.30 this evening - I was the only person there from school, although there were sports activities taking place so I wasn't alone in the building.

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