
By ZE1Christie


A fine mild day, it was 11 degrees and that's t-shirt weather up here in Shetland lol :)

With the dinosaurs now gone, we still need to have things on in the museum to keep our local population happy :) Today we had our monthly talk called Sheeksin. Sheeksin is a dialect word for talking and we have various folk coming in to do the talks. Today we had Geordie Jacobson in to talk about classic motorcycles and he even brought one of his own classics in too :)
After work I had dinner with mam and niece Elise and then walkies with Sammy. Feet up now and what film to watch?

This was the sun starting to rise at 8am this morning while I was out on the Briggy Stanes (doorstep) having my morning smoke. I found it hard to choose today's photo, the colours that came just before 9am were fantastic but I love the clouds in this with the little bit of golden glow. Taken from my house in Aith and looking towards Helliness.

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