The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Frozen raindrops....

I am feeling sooo much better today, a bit wobbly at first, but as the day has worn on I have felt better and better. Back to work tomorrow, which will be good as I miss my work colleagues when I don't see them.
When I got up after Mr U&l had gone dog walking I realised it was really quite frosty outside, so I grabbed my hat, scarf and gloves (the nice fingerless photographer jobbies I knitted) and rushed out to my front garden.
The frosty leaves were beautiful, but I thought this rose (in my neighbours garden) adorned with frozen rain /dew drops was stunning.
One of my butterflies met a grizzly end today in the clutches of a spider I allowed to live in my conservatory. My daughter said she told me not to give the spider house room!!! But such is life I guess. The remaining butterflies posed nicely for me on some more decorations and I am going to turn the resulting pics into my Christmas cards I had better get a move on!!. think I might call the series 'Baubles and Butts', What do you think????

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