Beats By Ell's!

The boy has style!

The girls would like some Beats By Dre headphones for Christmas, like Elliot... Not a chance! They can have some cheap Bose ones!! ;)

May didn't go to school today, she is so exhausted it's unreal so we decided to have a lazy day.... Until we got bored at 10am and decided to go and get a Christmas tree for the girls bedroom and meet Colin for lunch! Love spontaneous days like this!! Got home, took my coat off then had a call from Evie's school saying she was unwell... I'm not sure if she is poorly or just having a tough time with some rotten girls in her class.. I know her BFF also had a rough day too, I'll see how she is tomorrow. It's such a tricky situation, how do you approach a mother and tell them that their child is a rotter?!

Frantically trying to catch up with Blip, I found there just weren't enough hours in the day with so much going on, I have taken photos, just need to upload them and work out what I was doing!!!


Thanks for sticking with my little blip on Blip! Now to catch up on your journals!! :) x

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