...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

We worked on the ASQ for Miles classroom tonight, which is a questionnaire to track the progress and development of your child every six months. There are questions from a social development standpoint, fine motor, gross motor skills and others. While working through some of the questions tonight I asked him to copy certain shapes I drew on the paper. And then I was curious if he could copy his own letters. I asked him if he could copy the ‘M’ and instead of copying the M he told me he was going to type the ‘next letter’ and drew the ‘i' all by himself. Here is a picture of his 'i' and his attempt at an 'e' by memory.

It made me want to capture some of the other things he’s doing right now.

-We often catch him singing to himself. His favorites are Row your boat, I’m a little teapot, Mary had a little lamb…and tonight mitch and I eavesdropped outside his door as he sang Jingle Bells in his bed
-Whenever we walk somewhere in the house he yells, “Im the Engine!” and likes to be first
-When he’s at the park and using the steering wheel on the play structure I ask him where he’s driving to. He responds with “To the Rescue!”
-He calls hotdogs ‘Dog Sandwiches’
-He likes to say, “actually, mom” before answering my questions
-When we tell him it’s time to go to bed he usually finds something that he needs to do “real quick”
-Whenever he talks about the past he says, “Like last time” and when asking if we can do something in the future he just says, “maybe next time?” So anything from yesterday to a couple months ago is “last time”
-He loves his family and extended family and always asks about his grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and cousins
-He always asks…”will you please play with me” and really enjoys puzzles, trains and dramatic play
-When we ask him clarifying questions about his behavior – like “Why didn’t you tell us you needed to go potty” he responds, “because I didn’t” He’s very to the point and literal.
-When he really doesn’t like what mama and daddy have to say he says, “Stop talking at me”…which mama does NOT like. Our little toddler has many more teenage sayings 
-Almost everything he has is his ‘favorite’ or is ‘the best ever…in the world’
-He makes anything around him into a guitar. Tonight he used his fork at dinner and pretended to strum it. Daddy asked, “are you a rock star?” and he said, “I’m not a rock star daddy, I’m a guitar star!”

He’s just so much fun.

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