Staff Christmas party

I didn't have much time for photos this morning because I was a bit of a numpty. Half way up my way to work I realised that I had left my mobile phone on charge at home. Me being a bit fussy about safety, I didn't want to leave anything charging at home for so long, so I run all the way back home to switch off the mobile from the charger! This was making me a bit late, so I had to take the bus and then run to work! I made it on time thought, so it's all good! :)

But no photos... Work was rather quiet.

After work, we had our staff Christmass night dinner. The food was lovely, I have to say, but maybe I had a bit too much to drink... (I'm surprised I can actually write this...) In any case, I had a good time. The good thing is... I'm off tomorrow!!!

I took lots of photos there! :)

Obviously not much time to comment this evening, but I'll try and catch up with you tomorrow.

Thanks very much for your lovely comments! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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