cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"we are family"

I can't remember the last time the McMorris family had a complete family photograph....

Yes it may still be November for another 24 hours, but this was the traditional McMorris Christmas weekend when the family returns home from the Isle of Man and Scotland. We may not have a Christmas dinner trial run but mum excelled herself in the kitchen once again! Her pavalova is in a league of its own! :)

After present opening around the tree, we arranged ourselves for this photograph. My church back at home have knitted Mary and Joseph characters who have been touring the village, with the intention of them being in every home in the Parish before returning to the church on Christmas Eve night. Mum had booked them for tonight - can you spot them in our family portrait?!

The immediate McMorris family is a small, close knit unit - but I wouldn't have it any other way!

# We are Family - Sister Sledge #

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