
By Mikey88


This morning it was misty with the promise of the sun breaking through later. Conditions were exactly right for a woodland shot which I have had planned for a couple of weeks. I rushed through the recycling and then headed off. Immediately I got stuck behind a really slow driver in the lanes. Eventually they turned off and I reached a more reasonable speed and got to the main road.

I turned off the main road into the lanes leading up to the place where I park only to find the entire lane blocked by a tractor cutting the hedges. At this point I gave up on my original idea. I'll have to wait for another misty morning.

I went to a nearby river and parked and almost as soon as I started walking, a duck flew off down the river. I followed it, as it hadn't looked like a mallard, and I was right - it was a goosander - a saw-toothed duck, which either winter locally, or stay for a few days as they pass through. I managed to get this shot and if you can see it in large, you should be able to make out the hook on the end of its beak. I did get some shots with more detail, but liked this one as there is also a dipper flying in the background.

I saw half a dozen goosander as I walked along the river, and another couple of dippers. Every cloud has a silver lining - I could have been waiting in the wood for light which never appeared!

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