Walk in the dark

The good news is that Beat seems to be back to his old happy and healthy self. He was sick that one night and has been fine since.

The bad news was that it ended up being a very long day at work – so it was very very dark, when I met with my friend Ingelise and her 3 Border Collies for a dog walk in the woods. Seriously, we could not see a thing! It was a good walk though and miraculously we managed to find our way back to the cars without losing any dogs on the way :-)
This is Ingelise’s 3 girls Amy, Ruby and Mischa waiting patiently in the back of the car until Ingelise and I had finished chatting.

The damage caused by the flooding in big parts of Danmark is enormous. I feel so sorry for the poor people, who are affected by this. I can’t imagine the kind of Christmas they will have this year.

Tea time here…
See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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