
Day two of the bazaar. Looking slightly bare after the sales I made on the Saturday evening but not too bad. Today was very busy, thronging with folk mainly because Santa decided to put in an appearance! Lots of hyper children everywhere.

Last time I knit 20 Christmas puddings, which sold out straight away, so this year I knit 50. By this morning there were six left, which the first customer bought! Next year I'm going to aim for 100!

It was a super atmosphere, everyone helped each other and was friendly and supportive and we all did really well. At the end of the day I had some bits and bobs left but they will go to friends and neighbours for presents, or we'll manage to eat them ourselves! Ollie will be particularly happy to know there were some dog biscuits left! After costs I'd made enough to pay for my new coat and new wellies, so that was incredibly heartening and satisfying. Just a good job I didn't take into account any labour costs!

While I was at the bazaar Postie was catching up on delivering parcels. After he had left on Saturday more parcels had been send down to his tiny sorting office which meant that there wouldn't be room for Monday's delivery in there as well, so he spent three hours taking parcels around the island this afternoon! I'll have to get him a Santa hat at this rate!

Orkney steak and good red wine for dinner to celebrate a good weekend!

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