Man's best friend
Went surfing this morning with Dunc earlyish. It was a lot of fun. The waves were a lot better than last time so we were able to surf the wave for longer! When we got back we had the savoury scones for lunch from the B cafe. I had a quick shower and went to work at the cafe for 2 hours to try out the new juices and smoothies. It's going to be super stressful and boring with them.
Duncan picked me up and we went to Noosa for Max and Jess guitar lesson. Had a play on the piano inside. Slowly forgetting to how to play I giorni. Looking forward to having the piano when I am back home. Dunc and I took Harvey for a walk to the river. Dunc had a beer and we sat by the river until we had to walk back to get Max and Jess. It was funny as I pointed out a guy with a huge afro and Dunc said 'that guy just makes me jealous with how much hair he can grow'! We had a really good risotto for supper that Dunc made. Was talking at supper how my parents are slave drivers!! Lucy said how surprised she was with the amount of stuff we used to do. Was going to go to bed but Lucy cleaned my windows for 20 minutes!! She is so funny with cleanness and also how she has to correct everything that is wonky. Apparently, Duncan, Max and Jess make things wonky in the house and see how long it takes her to correct them.
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