An Old Friend
This is my first SLR, a lovely and trusty Pentax K1000. I took photography my senior year of high school. That was when film was the only option. I'd never heard of digital photography then and the internet was just starting to be commonplace. While I would occasionally shoot color, black and white was my norm. I would shoot and then process and develop all the black and white myself. I think that's why it was my comfort zone. I had the most control over the image. Every shot took planning as film and paper were expensive. I think I've gotten spoiled with digital. The number of shots that fit on a memory card compared to the number on a roll of 35mm film is just incredible to think about. Some days I may shoot a thousand pictures, such as when we go to the zoo, which would have been VERY expensive in film. The ability to see the image immediately and go from camera to print in minutes was something unthinkable years ago. It just seemed right for this shot of my dear and trusty old friend to be in Black and White.
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