Fluffed Up Feathers

It is still quite cold here, in the 20s. The hummingbirds are still here and still seem to appreciate the fact I've been bringing in their nectar each night and putting it back out each morning. This little female came and sat on top of the feeder hanger and waited awhile before sampling the nectar. You can see how fluffed her feathers are. No doubt that is one way they have to stay warm. I think the ones that come to our feeders live on a tall juniper that is against our neighbor's house. I see them there often. I think they huddle together up against the house where it is warmer than it is out in the air. When they see the feeders with good liquid nectar in them, they fly out from the tree and all around the deck. They are more careful when the big birds are feeding but are not shy of me at all. I love the sound of their wings and the high pitched call they have. I know they are around more by what I hear than by what I see. Here she is in large.

This afternoon Arvin, Helena and I went to the Whatcom Symphony's Christmas concert and then to a party at Isabelle's house. She is such a wonderful hostess. The food was wonderful. All kinds of hors d'oevres and a full dinner as well. We had a great time.

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