I guess we won!

When we first got up this morning, the skies were dark, and it was raining.

Oh no!! The cricket. It couldn't be a draw, could it? Could it!!

We frequently forget that the weather in the foothills is often much worse than it is on the plains, and the cricket started just 10 minutes late. By the time I'd worked this out at about 11 o'clock the last two men were in batting, and we watched poor Monty Panesar facing the final ball of the match. Quite honestly he looked terrified. His pain didn't last long, and they were all out.

My blip tells it all really.

In other news: I heard a gurgle outside my office window this morning.
A very well remembered sound. It was Elvis and Priscilla! Elvis was on our back lawn yesterday evening - the first time I'd seen him since last September.

I'm sure he and Priscilla have babies, because they are picking up pieces of mince, rolling it into tight little balls in their beaks and flying off with it, before coming back for more. Priscilla, particularly, has that kind of drawn look that new mums get when they are kept awake at night by the kids.

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