
It's that time of year again. The SkateboardScotland AGM where we go over the year's activities and get a wee skate in with a whole load of like minded individuals in one of the country's best indoor skateparks.

I got a wee stab at the vert ramp even managed to drop in and get a wee lesson on trying the weird corner wallride thing from an unlikely but rather experienced source (incidentally the source is the spectator on the left of this picture). Didn't actually make the wallride but got close at times and I'll certainly give it a go next time I'm up in that direction.

I also got to meet my christmas dinner which was a very surprising as the last time I saw it, it was smaller than my hand. It's now about as big as a bean bag seat. A massive and beautiful turkey. I'm considering going to see and help out with the preparation just before christmas.

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