petits bois

Went for a walk this afternoon with Pierre. We'd had a pretty rough night with Leo and Coquine. Poor dogs! Leo couldn't do the business properly and Coquine had had enough of him poking around in the dark! She was growling at him every time he came near and he was getting himself into a frenzy. Pierre left him over at dad's first thing before going on his mountain biking trip.

Then, as I was saying, we went for a lovely walk when he got back. We walked down towards dad's plot to pick petits bois for the fire. We filled three bags!

Coquine has a new suitor - a beautiful chien porcelaine. Here's the wikipedia page.

He followed us the whole way on our walk, ducking and diving out of side paths, from behind trees, and even ran up the middle of the river at one point! It was pretty impressive stalking. Coquine kept running off with him too, to the point where we had to put her lead back on to stop anything untoward happening! We'd so love for her to have pups, but it has to be with another cocker spaniel. If she has pups with this other dog, they'll not be pure-bred and then we may have trouble getting them all good homes. I can't bear to think about giving them to an animal rescue centre - I'd end up keeping them all myself!

Had a lovely dinner of petits pois cassés (boiled with lardons, carrots and onion until thickened), celeriac chips, and HUGE sausages! Class :)

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