Colour Explosion

I had a swim again today, it was a complete contrast to yesterday though. It was in the lovely warmth of the pool at the Marriott. Already the cold that engulfed me yesterday is becoming a hazy memory and I'm looking back fondly at the whole much so that I'm contemplating doing another. I wrote about the buzz I got from it all, but Brendie says that is more commonly known as hypothermia ha ha ha.

I went into town with Jude, Alex and his mate Oliver this afternoon. We had a good old mooch round Affleck's Palace and then walked along to the Victorian market opposite the Hilton. On the way back to the car we passed Manchester Magistrates, they were flying the flag at half mast for Nelson Mandela. When I turned round a rainbow arched over the city. How lovely that we were talking of a man who embraced the rainbow nation and there was a rainbow...beautiful synchronicity. It was only fitting, therefore, that I chose a colourful photo for today's pic.

Yesterday's pic hit the spotlight page...thank you everybody :))

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