
By SweetArt

A Christmas Tea

Today was the special Christmas celebration at our church which usually involves a play and some special items followed by a luncheon. This year we did something different and had a tea. Here's the set up, food look very inviting.

I probably should have blipped some of the cute angels from the Nativity play, but really liked the colourfulness of this picture.

I'm going to be retreating into my den for the next few days until I feel 'normal' again. Busy week coming up with the highlight being the 85th anniversary celebration of the Peninsula which we're going to and also my annual Christmas Carols & Mince Pies Coffee Morning. Gotta pace myself.

Apart from it being the season to be jolly ... its also the season to be super festively busy! I love it all, really.

Thankful for a lovely Christmas celebration today.

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