
By Ikol

Icepocalypse 2: The Reckoning

Another day, another giddy jaunt through the icy campus and down slippery streets. Went with my dad to retrieve some books for my office, and we slipped and slid our way all over the place. Along the way I took pictures of landmarks and fountains covered in ice. The fountains were particularly impressive -- they appear to keep them running so the pipes don't freeze, and so we get remarkable displays like this one. I would have explored more, but I nearly died like twice so we figured it was time to head out.

Got lots of writing done today, but still not as much as I would have liked. The next day and a half are going to be a mad dash to the finish, but I can finally feel this paper taking shape. Probably no blip tomorrow -- I'll be buried neck deep in autobiography, chronotopes, and philosophies of language ....

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