Mr Phil 'Aytch' Howard - sax and percussion

I went to our local pub, The Crown and Sceptre, this evening to hear the AllStars Dub Band again. They play here every few months and last time we just happened to catch them when we went for a drink. I took some pictures of them then, and I posted a blip of all the band . Rachel, the keyboard player emailed me last week to say they were returning, so I thought I would try again.

It was crowded and very hot and steamy which didn't help my lens at first till the camera acclimatised, but I'm not sure I managed to. It was fun but quite tricky to get anything but close shots as the space is very small. This is Phil, who always stands at the front so I did tend to get shots of him more often than the others. Rachel admits to standing at the back and keeping rather out of sight. The music was great once again and this time I managed to hear most of their continuous two hour set. I will send them some pictures again in case they want to use them, and in return they gave me a copy of their recent CD which I will play tomorrow, quite loudly I expect.

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