Humouring me

What a great night we had last night - A Christmas Carol was brilliantly done and so by the time we had been to that and then wandered around the christmas market and Joe and Ruby had been on the big scary ride (while it snowed) we were all feeling festive. And knackered. So the alarm clock going off this morning was a shock to the system but Joe had football to get to. So, the usual plate of scrambled eggs, brown toast and HP sauce shoveled down and off we went. He scored two goals in the first half in a bit of a rout so he was loaned to the opposition along with another team mate and he scored for them too.

This afternoon he went off to the trampoline centre with a mate and Ruby disappeared off too so I was home alone. So, naturally, I tidied up and then did some work for next week while listening to the footie on 5 live.

Both the kids came home late afternoon so the fire was lit and chicken was made and then Kath came round for a chinwag, a glass of wine and to watch Arthur Christmas.

Also had an update from the London contingent and it sounds like they are having a brilliant time, hopefully the East Coast Mainline on a Sunday evening doesn't dampen their spirits.

Tomorrow Kath will be dropped off at Waverley and then Mrs S and Eve picked up from Dunbar station so an early night beckons.

This is another in my half-arsed series of bricked up doorways. And my equally half-arsed series of Joe post-football. A double half-arsed whammy then.

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