Christmas wreath

Today's the day .............................. to get in the spirit

It's been lovely today.

We went into town to deliver a Christmas present and post lots of cards. I took everyone's advice of yesterday and used the ancient stamps on my French cards. So I hope they arrive safely!

Then I came home and assembled the ingredients for the Christmas cake, listening (and joining in) to a CD of carols while I did. The cake's in the oven now for many hours. I'd got a Christmas holly wreath while out this morning - and so that's now hanging on the front door.

And all the while I was enjoying doing these Christmassy things, I was thinking how fortunate I was to be in that position. To live in a country where I have freedom to do what I choose - to have a roof over my head, food to eat and friends and family to share it with.

Fortunate indeed ........................

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