On the road again!

Well came from Aberlady across country home to Argyll today with a brief stop in Glasgow. We phoned eldest daughter to say we would call in, arrived at the house to find her elbow deep washing about a month's dishies! Seriously I brought them all up to be clean ,neat & tidy. My eldest has no concept of cooking & housekeeping, I have to get my neighbours to spy on my errant son to check he is doing the little he is meant to be doing! The only one that fills the housekeeping void is the youngest. If she had been home we would have come in to a roaring fire, instead we come back to deepest Siberian temps as errant son doesn't know what one is meant to do with a bloody door...like shut it! thereby keeping the house warm. The rabbit looked so hungry he was about to eat the dog! What the Hell am I to do with him! Ok he works hard but on his days off I would like to see him and perhaps even have a conversation! instead of him haring off to see his latest conquest and don't get me started on his choice of females!
I don't beleive it! youngest daughter just on her way home is now stuck in a traffic jam on the Inveraray back road. I told her to stay in the hotel but she's going ape! so is now driving home via Oban!! Bottom line is so long as they are safe but oh boy I'm not sure I can take much more of this! I need a stiff drink!

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