
By Helwild

Santa's up!

This particular inflatable Santa means only one thing to me - that the local Christmas tree farm at Keele is open for business. He went up on 30th November and can be seem from the main road. Once I was informed he was there, by my other half who works at Keele, then we had to plan when we could got and fetch a tree.

It's 12.30pm and the tree is now bought. It's quite a modest size as we only have one place for it. That does help when selecting one as it gives us limited options for size and shape.

All I can smell is that lovely pine tree wafting through the house. It's a quick clean in the room before it goes up and then I like to let it settle for a day before I can decorate it.

I've left the hoovering for P to do while I do a bit of Christmas cooking preparation. A large batch of chilli to make to gives an alternative meal over the holidays and my veggie sausage rolls too. If I'm feeling up to it then I might even make some mince pies!!

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