Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01


Yesterday two worlds collided.

The need to get things wrapped, and in the post so that they can be to their final destination on time, is quickly approaching.

I've also been asked to come up with the December assignment for our FB photo group (Scenics Abound), and thought that producing a triptych might be challenging, rewarding, and provide a plethora of different interpretations. Three pics, all of which need to be somewhat connected, telling a story. Example, bottle of scotch, Uncle Fred (sorry to those named Fred that may be uncles...), uncle Fred passed out in the lazy boy after Xmas dinner. Or how about raw turkey, cooked turkey, turkey carcass...Easy stuff!!

So I decided that my first attempt would be fairly simple as I need to show an example to the group once the assignment is announced.

Several of us are heading to the Biology Museum to teach/learn off camera flash techniques. Should be fun!

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