Journey Through Time

By Sue

Hummingbird Wars

We have two hummingbirds that are staking claim to the feeder. This one has taken up a guard post on the dwarf lilac bush and as soon as the other one gets near the feeder, off this one goes in hot pursuit. I certainly hope somebody else is feeding the hummers so that there is more than one feeder in our neighborhood. I worry about them in this cold weather, but I have to remember that hummingbirds have been here, taking care of themselves long before anybody set up feeders for them. But recent generations are a bit spoiled and they rely on these feeders to see them through cold snaps when they need more calories.

The flicker has been here today also, tearing apart the suet. The bushtits swarm in for their suet fix and the Stellar Jay comes for the bread. I should have bought some nuts for them, but I didn't.

I am baking a cake for our son's belated Birthday celebration tomorrow. I hope the weather doesn't mess this up as we had some snow and this cold weather isn't going anywhere for a few days.

Must depart. See ya later

PS I enjoyed the TV show last night - The Sound of Music. Lovely familiar tunes.

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