Enough Now!!!

Last night I had one of the worst nights I can remember.
I woke up at about 2am with agonising ear ache. I used to suffer horribly with ear ache as a child but haven't had it as an adult.
Proper painful!
I eventually managed to get back to sleep after taking a few more painkillers and Mr K took the Little Misses to school so I could sleep in a bit.
My ear didn't hurt this morning but I was - and still am - completely deaf in that ear. It's all bunged up and muffled.
I stayed in bed until lunchtime, then had a bath and moved to the sofa.
Then I had to drag myself to school and take Miss E swimming.
The heat and chaos at the pool was just what I felt like!
Now it's dinner and bed and fingers crossed for a better night.

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