Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A squirrel's work is never done...

I could start by telling you all the things that are wrong with this photo (blown highlights, poor exposure, etc), but instead I am going to tell you that this is the one that made me laugh. So please ignore the imperfections and join me for a little laugh. Seriously, how can anyone not smile when they see those little squirrel hands, reaching for the nut? I frittered away at least 30 minutes watching the squirrels high up in the hickory trees, plucking nuts. I know that many people view them as pests, but they never fail to make me smile.

Last year the squirrels were busy raiding my feeders every chance they got, but this year the hickory harvest has been so bountiful that I've not had a single raid. In addition to the nuts that have fallen to the ground to be gathered by chippies and squizzers, there are still many nuts in the trees which is what this little gymnast was going for. They are incredibly fearless - this guy was at least 60-70 feet the tree, dangling by one foot!

Last year's blip featured a Firece-Faced Squirrel!

Still not feeling my photo mojo entirely, but I think it is partly due to the very gloomy, dark weather today. It rained off and on all day, certainly not ideal light or weather conditions for photos. Still, I managed a few shots at the Bistro, including three posted on Flickr starting HERE - piggy blue jay and two titmice.

I have a yummy smelling beef and veggie stew in the slow cooker - it smells incredible! A loaf of nice crusty bread to sop of the gravy and a glass of something red to wash it down... Seems like a good way to kick off the weekend.

The forecast is for our rain to change over to snow overnight and perhaps leave us with 1-2 inches of white stuff. I'm keeping my fingers crossed - I'm in the mood for some snow! And it would be just the thing to kick me out of my funk, I think. Stay tuned to this space...

Happy Friday, people!


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