Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Poppy Appeal

Yesterday I collected the card which told us how much as a family we collected for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2013. This morning I showed the card to Carys and she was over the moon and insisted that I blip the card. So here it is. I am very proud of my two little ones that they were happy to stand, one in the wet and one in the cold for long enough to collect £171 for 'the soldiers that keep our country safe.' I am also impressed that our small town raised £27,000 in total this year.

Otherwise today has been jobs, BfN supervision and I have just finished watching Shrek with William. Safe to say William can empathise, he was sniffing and on the verge of crying when Shrek went back to the swamp leaving Fiona to go and get married. Love him.

He is now tucking into pizza in his pj's and enjoying the peace in the house as Carys is on a play date. I'll be off to collect her at 6pm. Jim is not so good today. Not sure that being up all day yesterday was a good idea.

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