cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"Beautiful" ??

A day of lasts....
- the last set of impressions, the last set of measurements, the last set of x-rays and the last time to see my Ortho team.

This was my Orthodontic sign off day!! :)

4 years, 2 months and 19 days ago I had my braces fitted. Today, I reached my destination after a very long, but completely life changing journey. It was a strangely emotional moment as I sat in McMullan's Orthodontic chair for the last time. I'd even go as far as to say I'm going to miss it :(

This was the very first mould taken of my teeth before any work had started back in 2008, when we decided to postpone things by a year because of mum being diagnosed with breast cancer. I still had my wisdom teeth at this stage! When I look at this mould now I'm ashamed at how my teeth used to look. It disgusts me. How anyone could have looked at me I'll never know!

Seeing this mould again only confirms that I made the right decision to take this journey because I now have a lot more self confidence, a hard earned smile to be proud of and hey, not everyone can say that they've had their jaw broken! :)

My Orthodontic team, 7 people in total, have worked an absolute miracle! The experience was demanding, draining, at times I thought I'd never see the end, there were many dark days especially after surgery, but all the bright days that lie ahead of me now will more than make up for it!

And so I closed the door on clinic 7 in Altnagelvin Hospital for the last time, just as 2 more young people signed their forms agreeing to start treatment! I remember that day - they've got a great adventure ahead of them! :)

# Beautiful - Christina Aguilera #

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