
By CarrieEllenA

Jealous no more!

There have been amazing blips of snow all around England and in Finland and Norway, even in the US. And we had none... until this morning. We awoke to a light dusting of snow that continues to fall. It is light, dry, well-behaved. When driven on it simply moves out of the way and returns moments later with the passing of a light breeze or a car from the other direction. Dawn is grey but the light reflected from the snow make everything brighter.

This image is one I have been trying to get but the space was simply too busy to allow the form of the laceleaf maple to be appreciated. Now I could have removed the lights but I have to head off to work and it's cold and a couple more excuses if I had the time to think of them. So please enjoy these lovely curves with me and enjoy the day where ever you are and whatever the weather.

And if you are in a place where you are already tired of the snow, remember that the first one is magic. It is the 10th one you want to curse.

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