Two Christmas Cakes down, 24 cupcakes to go ....

Okay, I'm SHATTERED!!!! Enough already. Been a lovely long busy day and now I think my back is packing in.

Oh dear. I guess 'supervising' might be all I can muster up tomorrow. Isn't it nice having a supervising roll.

I've finished these cakes and love them. Tomorrow morning, I'll finish icing the cupcakes and away we go to the Island School Winter Fair. I really hope all I'm picturing in my head will transfer to the set up and eventual display of various baked goodies.

After bible study today, we had a lovely celebration for my dear friend Merrilee who will be turning 60 in a couple of weeks. But as it's our last gathering for a while, we thought we'd celebrate today before we all go our own separate ways and miss this momentous occasion in her life. She is very special to me! In Hong Kong/DB, during holidays and breaks, there is a mass exodus of expats leaving for their various homes or on breaks in the region.

SweetArt out, for tonight. Have a super weekend everyone!

P.S. Wanted to journal that a great leader, Nelson Mandela passed away today. He was a truly special man ... our present day Job!

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