
By WhiskyFoxtrot

All Change

For most of today, the big story was the weather. Crazy winds caused damage all over the place, trains were cancelled, people stranded. And yet life continued. People changed their travel plans. We used a speaker phone to include someone from Glasgow in a meeting. People got on with it.

When I got home from the day job to prepare for a couple of clients, I learned that Portobello was facing a flood risk due to a storm surge at the high tides of 4 pm Thursday and 4 am on Friday. This little street has had a lot of drama this week - from fires in stairwells to flood risks.

After my first client I ventured out to get a picture to mark the day. The tables on the Prom yesterday were still inside, people rushed rather than strolled and then the sand bags turned up. We had a big spring tide in early 2010 and the beloved pub/restaurant on the prom was flooded. Not this time. This time the City came up with the goods and business and life carried on. Thankfully the 4 pm tide, while high, wasn't nearly as high as 2010.

And then we heard the news about Nelson Mandela. Madiba.
Rest in peace, dear soul.

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