Amateur's confessions

By S79

Triki. Tricky!

We call Triki our visiting cat.

We thought she was a lost kitty and took her into our home last autumn. Here is the day we met: Blip. She lived with us for 4 months, won our hearts ( blip ) , then she somehow got out and disappeared.
We were very sad.

This summer she appeared again out of the blue! With a collar and a phone number. We called and found out, that she had a family, who- well, was not a very one when it comes to pets. They live about 100 metres from us.
So after that she once again began to visit us frequently.
Now she is with us most of the days and nights.

We are not able to keep her all the time, because she wants to escape once in a while from our front door, when we open it.

I am all against cats being outside in the city but we just have to accept, that our cat is a visiting cat.

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