
By BlipGrip

Under the GWB

Biked home from work today and will show a few pics along with my blip of my trip. Took the Hudson River Trail and avoided the traffic piling up on the West Side Hwy. Too many cars in NYC and todays heat and humidity made the SMOG almost unbearable as well as the Empire State Building almost Invisible.
Made it up to 125th Street and keeping with the theme of my blip took a shot of Riverside Drives Superstructure as well as the 1 train's outdoor Subway Station next stop was under the GWB as seen in the blip and crossed underneath the Henry Hudson Parkway's Bridge as well.
Finally I made it to The Bronx and as I was crossing the Broadway Bridge snapped a quick pic of tonight's Sunset. Enough biking for me today -- Hope you enjoyed some pics from my commute home tonight. If anyone knows how to put extra pics in the dialog easily please tell me how to do it cuz making this blip was actually a cut and pasting nightmare :)

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