The Edge

Of the village...another one tagged OFP. Way too cold and wintery to wander further. It is also very difficult to hold and focus a camera when a wind is whipping up a storm and the wind chill o meter is reading -6

We had intended to head down to the beach but ditched that in terms of it being utter madness given the weather.

Tomorrow I may blip some naans. I have long had a theory that tesco were ripping us off. For example, I know for a fact that a 800g of mince was £2.50 at the start of the then reduced to 750g and now...750g costs £3.00. Robbers! I was cleaning out the freezer today when the storm was on and found frozen naans from the start of the year. They were the size of an elephants ear...the fresh ones in my fridge for the same price? Lucky if they were the size of a side plate. Feel the squeeze...

Tomorrow I am off for a visit to the of my least favourite pursuits! I may have it all cut off ;)

Have a fab evening x

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