Lytro Bubble Frustration!

I was challenged yesterday to take a shot with some action, bubbles, scrabble tiles or something. Eager to please the blipfolk, armed the children with bubbles, got the lytro and off we went. Terrible, this was indoors with all the lights on, with a reasonable shutter speed the iso had to go up to 3200 to get the shots.. Which were rubbish!

When I got back home Pop and I tried again, this time with loads of light meaning I could get the iso down to 200 and the result.... Rubbish I really don't know why but nothing seems to be in focus, no matter what I do (click away, see for yourself).

This was very annoying as I ended up lying on the floor and got well and truly soaked ;)

So I took a shot of a running tap.... Have a look here. click on the tap, click on the plughole... much better.

This camera is so frustrating! It needs a hotshoe, the touch screen must be bigger, the controls are fiddly, there is no tripod mount and the software feels restrictive.... But when it does the thing it is good at then it is ever so slightly amazing.

Still the Datsun had it's yearly service today...

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