Sunny Cafe Rouge

What a lovely day I've had today!
Mrs S and all her tomato puree is all settled into her new house in St Albans and we went for a visit today.
Coincidentally I'd already arranged to go down and then my mum asked if I wanted to go with her to pick up yet another eBay purchase. So we went together.
My mum doesn't have Sat Nav so I had to use my phone to navigate which wasn't a total success but we got there eventually!
About five seconds before my phone died.
About ten seconds before I remembered to check the house number on my text messages.
Thank goodness! Otherwise we'd have been in the right street with no idea of which house it was and no way of contacting Mrs S!
But all was well.
We had a few cups of tea, booked me some flights to Thailand, chatted a bit and then went into St Albans for a look around and some lunch.
Lunch was courtesy of Mr Tescos again in Café Rouge. It was one of the nicest Café Rouges I've ever been in, in a beautiful art deco glasshouse/orangery type of building. It turns out it was the old Ryder Seed Exhibition Hall which Samuel Ryder used to display his wares in. Before going on to found the Ryder Cup.
Just gorgeous! And the food was pretty good too. And free which is always nice!
Then we had a bit of a mooch around lovely St Albans before saying goodbye to Mrs S and attempting to find our way to an address with only a few directions from Aylesbury scribbled down by my mum.
We were like explorers of old and found the house with no problems.
My mum bought a lovely old glazed wooden door which is apparently made of the heaviest material known to man! I had to carry it up ridiculously steep garden steps to the car
We then - in true Krypyton Factor style - spent the best part of twenty minutes getting it manoeuvred into the car. Spatial awareness and logic is not our forte!!
But we got there in the end and I had one of the most truly uncomfortable journeys I can remember!
And nerve-wracking - if we'd crashed, eight tons of door would probably have taken my head off!!!
I stayed at my mum and dad's for a cup of tea and then headed home with a detour to Miss K's to drop off her birthday present.
A special one today!
I got to her house and she was out so I thought I'd just leave the present in the porch.
I'd left the present at my mum and dad's. Annoying!
I went back for it (and the four pints of milk I'd also forgotten) and then back to Miss K's.
By that time she was home which was lovely. I didn't stay long but it was nice to actually see her on her birthday.
Then it was home to take yet more drugs to try and get rid of my headache and clear my snotty nose, eat half a packet of noodles before realising that I couldn't taste them and couldn't be bothered to eat them and then collapse in a heap in bed.

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