Female Mallard

Well today was a bit of a challenge to say the least!
High winds,Grey skies! Not really the day for photography? Well not outdoors anyway?
But I had to go feed the Ducks because when the weather is bad,it is the time when they don't get fed!
After the excessive use of the D3 I thought I would give the D800 an outing! So fitting it with my 105 f2.8 macro lens( for ease of transit)? I thought I might as well go the whole hog and take the Ring flash as well?Glad I did or there would have been nothing worth posting at all?
The Ducks are quite tame now and feed from my hand.A few actually let me touch them! I just hope no one abuses their trust.
Any way this is as best as I could do today!

ps Just noticed f3 @ 1/60 sec!!!!!! Good job the lens has O/S???

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