Mike's area

By mikeprice

Stormy Weather

Shot down to the front at high tide (which is probably irresponsible) to see what was happening. Got to Deganwy and the level crossing was closed - waited 10 mins - still closed so I went up to Llandudno and this was the sight - lots of waves breaking over the walkway etc etc

Original shot had a barrier in the foreground but I was bu****ed if I was getting out of the car in that wind and rain and spray and God knows what else - so I just cropped in when I got home - camera is still drying out!!!

p.s. level crossing at Deganwy was Still closed when I went back home - I suspect people who lived in the cul-de-sac on the other side were trapped!!

P.P.S. best wishes to all those in Scotland and on the East coast - hope you are all OK!!

PPPS - just seen the news and the people on the other side of the level crossing were really badly flooded - hence not wanting any sightseers (or blippers) going down there - best wishes to anyone affected in North Wales as well!! (especially Rhyl where I used to teach)

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