on the wings...

...of a dove

a christmas dove -

oh - okay - a christmas dove ornament - made out of mother-of-pearl... isn't it pretty? one of the things i enjoy about the holidays - is being able to pull out things i've packed away - tucked into corners i've forgotten about over time - then put up around the house - ornaments and such - little decorations to get me in the mood -

that and the fact it has dropped about 50 degrees outside from yesterday - i kid you not, people! it was about 60 degrees yesterday - i was wearing my flipflops - right now - we are hovering at 4 degrees - it's been snowing most of the day - with wind chills at dangerous below zero temps - brrrrr - what a difference a day makes - so between that - and dove decorations - it's looking - as well as feeling - the holiday part - and making for...


happy day.....

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