
By Tryfan46

First ever attempt at mince pies

Inspired by Coming Home Soon's massively impressive mince pie making father I made my own first ever batch today. Much to learn as you can see from this shot. First mistake was to use the wrong tins which resulted in the bottom of the pie being low in the tin and not making a good seal with the lid.

Silly really as we had a shallower "tin" made from silicon which the wife had said I should use. But despite this error the pies themselves tasted good and the pastry was crisp. Nice pastry recipe too; with icing sugar and an egg as well as butter. Rolled easily too.

Making the pies was good therapy following bad news about my knee. Just about everything that could be wrecked has been wrecked. The worst being the anterior cruciate ligament which is completely torn. I've been referred to the knee surgeon but meanwhile will have some physiotherapy before an arthroscopy to tidy up damage to the meniscuses. I may have to reconstructive surgery on the cruciate ligament but it depends on how well the physio goes.

So, bad news but not the end of the world. It's only a knee after all, nothing life threatening and it gives me a target to work towards. I did enjoy the swim after the hospital though. The knee doesn't hurt in the water.

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