Stuart's Shed

18 months ago we dined in Albert's Shed which is next to the Rochdale Canal in Manchester. Today I present for your delectation Stuart's shed which isn't a restaurant (just in case you might be confused!). I'm afraid that you are stuck with this as I'm still in full-on "catch up" mode after being out of the loop last week.

Not yet got my work head completely refitted as I keep opening emails and wondering whether the sender spent any time at all thinking about what outcome they were looking for. Once I'm back on track I'll not waste time on such revere and I'll be back to sending nonsense responses..........

Hombres! Wednesday is riding off into the sunset and soon we'll be glimpsing Thursday sprawling across the sofa awaiting our attention. Make good use of the space between these events to tend to whatever needs attention and grab some downtime.

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