Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Feeding a Parrot Pair

The lad fed the birds again this evening. We had up to six king parrots on the deck, all panting away in the heat, and very keen on feeding. They'd push each other out of the way and flutter about all over the show - which was all rather off-putting for missy-moo, sadly. She does get easily anxious about any animals, despite really loving them. Anyway, she did (briefly) feed one later on, so that was nice.

This one (larger here) is my favourite of the photos I took of the boy feeding them.

Later again, the kids took my cameras out on the deck: missy-moo took this of her brother with a parrot that for all the world looks to be posing for its portrait; she then had me take one of her; I then got some competition in the 30mm birding front.

Didn't try work today. I really feel angry about how weak, fatigued, and useless I've been feeling. It was kind of ok when I actually felt sick as well, but when that went it got a lot harder to stomach this general incapacity. Anyway. Will be back tomorrow come hell or damn high water.

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