
By Mariasme

'Tis the Season

Worked like a slave yesterday; no time even to grab an iPhone image. I feel a failure not being able to upload a new image every day. After all, what is my life for? Increasing the wealth of one of the two hundred richest people on earth, or something else? If it's something else, what is it?

If it's to spread love, did I spread enough of it yesterday? Probably not, I'd say, because I'm sure my very presence on the roads caused a reaction from fellow motorists which decreased their lifespans by a few seconds or minutes. I know having to interact with them did the same to me. And what about my class? Did something happen in there which will have a lasting impact--for the good--on anyone? If it did, I didn't perceive it.

But one good thing that I remember was when I got home from work at 8.30 or so, absolutely exhausted, I could not hurry about, doing anything. A. sat down and talked to me about what had been happening in his classes, and he was happy to have the sounding board, and I was happy to get real.

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