
What a day of fine food and wonderful company! Lunch was at the home of LadyFindhorn and His Lordship. It may be the umpteenth time we've been together, but each time just gets better and better! They are an inspiration in so many ways, and such convivial company. We were treated to LadyF's signature dish, but also enjoyed their signature hospitality...long may it be so! Thank you both for a lovely time.

And then it was into the relatively mild air of the capital and some admin chores as we walked as much as we could to build up an appetite for dinner with another friend, Dot, who has featured many times here. It was good to be together for the first time since she lost her mum in September, whom we also knew, and we shared food and happy memories of parents (only my one mum remains out of our company's original six), and made plans for future meet ups in Spain.

My blip was taken on Bruntsfield Place as we walked back home from Bia Bistro near Holy Corner....thoroughly recommended.

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