Countdown to Christmas - Subdiffusion!

22 Days to go!

The Turkey and Cranberry Sauce that us Brits now consider as our traditional Christmas dinner have arrived on our plates by subdiffusion from America!

However, if you're going to have cranberry sauce, then make it yourself with fresh cranberries. There is no comparison to the overly sweet jam on the supermarket shelf. It is delicious and incredibly easy to make.

Cranberry Sauce Recipe
250 gm fresh (or frozen) cranberries
100 ml orange juice - freshly squeezed - or from a carton
100 gm light muscovado sugar
Zest of 1 orange (optional)

Put the sugar and orange juice in a thick bottomed pan and bring to the boil, turn the heat down and stir until the sugar has all dissolved.

Add the cranberries and orange zest - simmer for 8-10 minutes until the cranberries are soft, but are still holding their shape. ( Less time if you're using frozen cranberries)

Cool and pour into jars. The sauce will thicken as it cools.
Keep in the fridge until Christmas.

Delicious with hot turkey on the day, and even better with cold turkey on Boxing Day!

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