
By cowgirl

Ruby Tuesday!

Don't you just love bumping into friends unexpectedly?! I had to go into town today to print out some photos for Christmas prezzies, after which I headed for the coffee shop I like. As I walked in, I quickly scanned the room for somewhere to sit and saw this group of lovely ladies also just settling themselves at a table.

They are, from left to right, Ruby, and two of her daughters, Hilary and Theresa. We met when I was a waitress at another coffee shop and hit it off. Then I left and went to work at Pickleberry and who should come in one day but Ruby with her other daughter, Valerie. Boy, were we surprised and delighted to see each other!

We have now swapped numbers so's to keep in touch better, but what with one thing and another, we haven't managed to find a day when we could all meet together. As I'm now moving away from the area, I hope we can before I move.

Anyway, the four of us nattered away for about an hour and a half so at least we've caught up for now!

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