The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Another new bird sighting - a black throated diver

Mum was dreadful last night - firstly getting up half an hour after going to bed, so I put her back to bed.

Then I got up for the loo at 4 am and found her sitting in her armchair in the bedroom, fully dressed, shoes on wrong feet and trousers back to front)

I suggested she went back to bed and we had a bit of very stubborn argy bargy to get her to undress and get back in the bed - but she eventually relented - telling me that people would find what I was trying to get her to do, 'totally unbelievable!'

I have read something somewhere about going with the flow with dementia sufferers, so I suppose I should have let her stay dressed and in the armchair and just chucked a duvet on her.

Next time I'll give it a try.

Today was my bird day and we went to North Cave Wetlands to see if the black throated diver was still around. It was. In the morning I didn't get any decent shots - even though it came very close to the hide both swimming then flying, my camera didn't focus in time - grrrr ..

Sometimes photography is a bit of a pain if you neither get a photo nor a view through the binoculars!

After lunch I went back to the hide and stayed for ages until I got this shot ..

Got home to find mum perfectly happy and perky - phew!

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